
The concept of being femme invites both intense desire and vehement degradation. I both fear and embrace my sexuality; it's a continuous cycle of heightened emotions. It is a mix of tenderness and fear. In theory, sex is a performance, a spotlight on something seen as terrifying and unsettling, yet arousing. The femme is perpetually objectified and excessively sexualized. My work confronts this voyeuristic gaze leering in the distance; a deer in the headlights. 

Through my work, I aim to transform discussions on sexuality and femininity into direct, confrontational dialogues. I weave the theatrics of makeup, fabric, and lace into my creations, constructing a hyper-feminine, surreal realm suspended between somewhere and nowhere. By blending disconcerting imagery with a romantically charged exterior, I aim to symbolize the concealed violence and aversion towards the sexual femme. Look at me, but don't touch.

What once was a sanctuary

Oil on panel with curtain install

32 x 45


Autopsy (triptych)

Oil on panels

10 x 10 panels


Install shots from solo show “are we alone now?” at 500x Gallery.

With voyeuristic intention

Oil on canvas

18 x 24



Oil on panel with curtain install

41 x 32


For your pleasure

Oil on canvas

24 x 30